Open my shortcuts
Opens the “My Shortcuts” view to show only your custom shortcuts and no App Shortcuts.
Opens the Share Sheet folder in Shortcuts so you can add, remove, or sort included shortcuts.
Opens the “My Shortcuts” view to show only your custom shortcuts and no App Shortcuts.
Opens the All Shortcuts tab to show your App Shortcuts plus your custom shortcuts.
Opens a Shortcuts folder named “Current” so you can access shortcuts you are actively working on.
Opens the Gallery tab of the Shortcuts app where you can see Suggested Shortcuts.
Use this shortcut to quickly find a shortcut in your library to run or open and edit.
Works well if you have a large shortcuts collection.
Uses base64-encoded audio from the Untitled Goose Game and decodes it, then plays the sound.
Creates a new Table and Chart template spreadsheet in the Numbers app.
Ues the Transistor API to get your show data and presents it in a nicely-formatted view. Requires the Actions app.
Presents a dialog to input a title for a new rmeinder, then adds it silently
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