Tests if a condition is true, and if so, runs the actions inside. Otherwise, the actions under “Otherwise” are run.
Removes the background of a photo before appending it to an ongoing note so you can look back at past outfits.
Takes PNGs from input, resizes them to 2048px wide, appends a number for each image found, and asks you where to save it in Files.
Opens the “Recents” collection in Photos, which shows photos and videos, plus imported graphics that don’t appear in the main Library view.
Takes two photos and combines them on top of each other with 150px in between.
Opens the Places collection in Photos to show the map or grid of where you’ve taken all your photos and videos.
Gets a URL from input, expands the short URL, and outputs the original link – works well for turning a Flipboard link into the source U
Shows the Date and Time settings so you can change from 12- to 24-hour time, or set time zone automatically.
Gets your current ZIP code, then opens Fandango to movie times in your area.
Search for an app on the App Store, then copy its link to the system clipboard. Also includes a prompt to show the price.
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