Set up Perplexity for Mac
Opens the Mac app for Perplexity AI, resizing the window to 1024×770 and moving it to the center of the current display.
Opens the Discover page from Perplexity, which curates top stories for you and summarizes them.
Opens the Mac app for Perplexity AI, resizing the window to 1024×770 and moving it to the center of the current display.
Opens the Library section of Perplexity, where you can see Threads and Pages around searches you’ve performed.
Opens the website for Perplexity Supply, the clothing line for fans of Perplexity.
Opens Perplexity to a new, blank search using the Auto mode.
Immediately starts a Live Activity session for Perplexity Discover, using stories drawn from the Discover feed and spoken by ElevenLab’s voices.
Simulates the keyboard shortcut for Command + Shift + P, which activates the Perplexity search bar from anywhere.
Creates a post on your blog linking back to a chosen Letterboxd entry.
Asks you to enter the ounces of water you want to log, then adds it to the Health app.
Shows your feed of follows, favorites, and boosted posts on Mastodon.
Asks you to pick a time zone, then formats the date to show the offset value (such as +0800).
Starts a cooldown workout, plus sets AirPods Pro to Noise Cancellation.
Asks you to enter a time, then opens Google Assistant and asks it to set a timer on a Nest Hub.
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