Open my Perplexity account settings
Opens the Perplexity website to Settings > Account, where you can change general settings like the Appearance, as well as subscription details or system settings.
Simulates the keyboard shortcut for Command + Shift + U, which activates the Perplexity upload process and shows a Finder window where you can select the file to upload.
Opens the Perplexity website to Settings > Account, where you can change general settings like the Appearance, as well as subscription details or system settings.
Simulates the keyboard shortcut for Command + Shift + 0, which activates the Perplexity screen capture and prompts whether to capture an Area, Window, or Fullscreen.
Simulates the keyboard shortcut for Command + Shift + P, which activates the Perplexity search bar from anywhere.
Opens the deep link into Discord for the Perplexity channel using the unique ID and channel ID.
Simulates the keyboard shortcut for Command + Shift + M, which activates the Perplexity voice mode in a popover window.
Opens the Mac app for Perplexity AI, resizing the window to 1024×770 and moving it to the center of the current display.
Asks you to enter a destination and the number of people, then requests a ride using your app of choice.
Opens the URL for the Analytics page for your Transistor podcast.
Scans a QR code, gets the text out, and performs a search on ISBNsearch.com.
Opens the Flagged list in the Reminders app where you can see the full list of tasks you’ve marked as important.
Searches the Passwords database for “AppleID” for when you need to authorize something.
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