Plays tracks from the New Music Mix updated every Friday in Apple Music.
Presents a menu of Apple Music workout stations and oepns the deep link into your choice.
Plays the personalized radio station curated for you by Apple Music.
Opens the curated playlists for each genre page in Apple Music (formerly A-List playlists).
Shares the link to your Apple Music profile found in the Music app.
Kick off some energetic tracks from your Get Up Mix in Apple Music, with new tracks added every Tuesday.
Activates sound cancelling on AirPods Pro or AirPods Max, then starts Podcasts.
Saves screenshots from Photos to iCloud—named like they are on macOS—and deletes the originals.
Run this when you want to check in on your progress with food tracking apps like Lifesum or FoodNoms – make sure to dive into each category and check out how you’ve been doing.
Prompts you to type in a search, then applies the query in the Passwords section of Settings.
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