Set Variable
Sets the value of the specified variable to the input of this action.
Requests a single-person ride to your work address.
Asks you to enter a pickup location, then goes through a ride request flow.
Asks you to pick from upcoming events from your calendar, gets the location, asks for total passengers, and requests a ride to your destination.
Gets a ride to your home address, asking for the total number of passengers before requesting.
Asks you to enter a destination and the number of people, then requests a ride using your app of choice.
Toggles the Always On Display for the current iPhone, switching between an ambient display or the black screen when not in use.
Asks you to enter in the bill, then the percentage to tip, then calculates the tip total plus total cost and presents it back to you.
Presentes a list of templates from the Personal Finance category in Numbers, including a simple budget, personal budget, personal savings, stock portfolio tracker, and calculators for shared expenses, net worth, college savings, retirement savings, loan comparison, and mortgages.
Opens Apple.com search results for “Shortcuts release notes”
Turns on the living room lights, plus casts my music to the Living Room TV.
Opens the Spectre app made by the folks from Halide to take a long exposure photo.
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