Show story by tag
Presents a series of tags, then searches for stories tagged accordingly and presents them in a menu to open.
Asks you to enter a query, then searches Pocket using that term and lets you choose from the results to open in Safari.
Presents a series of tags, then searches for stories tagged accordingly and presents them in a menu to open.
Gets 100 items from Pocket and picks one at random, then opens it in Safari.
Asks you to choose tags from a preset list, then adds them as tags for the shortcut input into Pocket.
Opens Pocket for the Mac or the Pocket mobile app depending on where the shortcut is run.
Asks you to pick an Apple product category, then opens the deep link into the Apple Store online.
Presents your presentations in Keynote, asks you to pick one, and opens it in Rehearsal Mode.
Gets the latest 50 screenshots and lets you choose which ones to delete, defaulting to Select All.
Toggles “Background Sounds When Media is Playing” and sets “Volume When Media Is Playing” to 10%.
Opens to the Apple News Today podcast category, where you can find individual episodes published as stories as well as links to articles mentioned in the show.
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