Check length of episodes
Gets the episodes of a chosen podcast, grabs the duration of each, and shares it in a list.
Lets you pick from all the podcasts you’re subscribed to and lets you share the names, links, or feeds quickly.
Gets the episodes of a chosen podcast, grabs the duration of each, and shares it in a list.
Opens the Discord app to the Relay.FM community, then Relay.FM or live where I can start a live show.
Searches Podcasts for a show, then copies the Feed URL so you can subscribe in another app.
Find a podcast by title, host, or link and subscribe to it immediately.
Enables “Slow Genie” minimizing by using the shell to rewrite a hidden system preference.
Opens to the full “Local” area in the Apple News app. Create your own for your Local news section.
Opens Flipboard.com or tools, a page where you can find embed features for your (or any) magazines, plus find informations about follow, share, and Flip It buttons to install on your website.
Allows you to dictate text into your phone until you tap it to stop, then shows the Share sheet so you can send your text somewhere else.
Opens the Originals tab of Disney+ to show featured series, movies, shorts, and specials.
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