Check VO2 max
Opens into the Heart > VO2 max page in the Health app, displaying the data that’s newly available for all Apple Watch wearers in watchOS 7.
Opens the Heath app to Other Data > Handwashing to display data tracked by Apple Watch.
Opens into the Heart > VO2 max page in the Health app, displaying the data that’s newly available for all Apple Watch wearers in watchOS 7.
Opens into the Health app to Browse > Heart to show various stats tracked by Apple Watch like heart rate, HRV, and ECG measurements.
Opens into a variety of pages in the Health app, including: sleep, nutrition, handwashing, toothbrushing, activity, flights climbed, body measurements, mobility, heart data, VO2 max info, environmental volume levels, and headphone levels.
Opens into the Apple Health app to display any Toothbrushing data that’s been tracked automatically or entered manually.
Opens the Health app to Environmental Volume Levels to display data gathered from the Noise app on Apple Watch.
Opens the Settings app to the Health section to let you change your Health Details and Medical ID information, plus Data Access and Devices, Health Records, and Health Checklist.
Opens the page for Apple Marketing Tools to generate RSS feeds for various iTunes properties from Apple.
Opens the Tweetdeck app on Mac and uses AppleScript to put it in fullscreen.
Turns off all the sound recognizer options, while leaving Sound Recognition active.
Opens the Kindle app on iOS and Mac to the default library view, letting you browse your collection and select a book or PDF to read.
Opens into the Health app to the Browse tab where you can pick from your Categories or Records data to open.
Opens the Regal site to your orders so you can see past or upcoming tickets.
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