Show my expenses card
Opens the Wallet app to show the preselected credit card that you use for most regular expenses.
Opens the Wallet app to the pass for an event ticket of your choice.
Opens the Wallet app to show the preselected credit card that you use for most regular expenses.
Opens the Wallet app the Apple Store pass for a delivery pickup or Genius appointment.
Opens the Wallet app to your main debit card used for daily purchases and things like groceries.
Opens the Wallet app to the pass for The Talk Show, the annual live podcast hosted in San Jose near Cupertino durng Apple’s annual WWDC.
Opens the Wallet app to a preselected ticket for an upcoming meetup.
Opens the Wallet app to the show the pass card for travel lounge access – I use mine with Chase Priority Pass.
Asks you to pick a podcast, then starts an Outdoor Walk workout on the Apple Watch.
Takes an item ID and adds it to the Things deep link back to that item.
Opens the “Movies” tab in the Netflix app by opening the URL taken from the website.
Opens the Wallet app to your main debit card used for daily purchases and things like groceries.
Presents a menu of Health tabs grouped by section, health records, and categories of health data, then opens to the tab of your choice.
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