Show my Sleep data
Opens the Health app into the Sleep category so you can check data tracked by Apple Watch or other apps.
Opens the Mobility tab of the Health app where you can see data like Walking Speed, Walking Step Length, Double Support Time, Walking Asymmetry, Sait Speed, Walking Steadiness, Six-Minute Walk, and your Cardio Fitness.
Opens the Health app into the Sleep category so you can check data tracked by Apple Watch or other apps.
Opens into the Health app to the Lab Results section of your Health Records where you can “connect to your providers to see your health records and get updates when there’s a new entry.”
Opens into the Health app to the Hearing category where you can see headphone audio levels, environmental sound levels, environmental sound reduction, and any noise notifications or hearing test results.
Opens into the Health app to the Conditions section of your Health Records where you can “connect to your providers to see your health records and get updates when there’s a new entry.”
Opens to the main Summary tab of the Health app where you can notifications, pinned categories, Trends, Highlights, Articles, and ways to get more from Health.
Opens to the “Sharing” tab in the Health app where you share with someone, ask someone to share, share with your doctor, and see apps and research studies alongside shared data.
Adds your recent movie reviews as all-day events on your calendar.
Opens the Account section of where you can manage your profile, turn on two-step authentication, update your billing and subscription details, and copy your API key.
Switches the Voice Control so you can issue commands to your device, giving you hands-free control of your devices.
Works great for Accessibility purposes, as well as simply using a device when you can’t reach it – I use this on my iPad Pro when it’s on the stand I have on my desk.
Opens the Adobe Lightroom app for Apple TV, then shows the remote so you can select an album to view.
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