Opens the News app and switches to the Today tab, showing you Top Stories, Trending Stories, For You categories, magazines, the Editor’s pick, and curated categories based on your past browsing.
Opens to the “Issues” tab of the Nat Geo magazine in Apple News+, where you can open or download specific issues.
Opens to the Apple News Today podcast category, where you can find individual episodes published as stories as well as links to articles mentioned in the show.
Opens into the special News+ Spotlight section of the News app curated by Apple editors, including sections like Conversation Starters, Better Living, Weekend Reads, Good News, and Best of News+.
Opens the “Quartiles” game available for Apple News+ subscribers in the News app.
Presents a menu to browse stories around photography, cameras, editing, photoshop, or individual photographer
Opens to the free stories shared by the San Francisco Chronicle for Apple News+.
Prompts you to enter a phone number, then asks you to confirm before calling.
Starts dictation and captures after a pause, copying the result to the clipboard so you can paste it.
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