Find Contacts
Searches for the contacts in your library that match the given criteria.
Check for contacts whose birthdays are in the next two weeks and displays their name and the date.
Looks through the input text for email addresses and copies them to the clipboard.
Presents a series of prompts for contact information, then generates a .VCF and asks you how you want to share it.
Scrapes text from input and looks for strings formatted as phone numbers.
Asks you to pick a file, then a Contact Group, then sends that file to each person in the group one-by-one.
Asks you to select a Contact Group, then creates reminders to follow up with each person in that group.
Opens the deep link into the WiFi settings on iOS or the Network settings on macOS.
Opens a specific book from your library, prompting you to pick which book.
Make a screen recording in QuickTime that overrides the time or battery for a nice-looking screenshot.
Save a short note to yourself by dictating or typing in the body, then automatically sending the email to your own email address with a canned title.
Asks you to enter a subject line and then a message, then saves both as an email draft in the Mail app.
Checks the RSS feed of, presents recent stories, and opens one of your choosing.
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