For a given contact, asks you to enter a payment amount (which is then divided by 2), then asks for a description, and sends the split total as a payment to the contact.
Opens the deep link into the Settings app the Wallet and Apple Pay section, allowing you to swap out the default card uses for payments.
Asks you to select a contact, then fill out the charge description and value before requesting a payment via Apple Pay.
Use this shortcut to quickly access, organize, and edit your Quick Actions shortcuts set as Services on macOS.
This shortcut uses the Open Folder action, which includes the auto-generated folders Shortcuts creates for features like Quick Action.
Opens the All Shortcuts tab to show your App Shortcuts plus your custom shortcuts.
Gets the hourly forecast, repeats through to get conditions, and shows the whole list.
Opens the Apple Music app for Apple TV on the selected device, then shows the Remote so you can play something.
Based on the award-winning novels by Isaac Asimov, Foundation chronicles a band of exiles on their monumental journey to save humanity and rebuild civilization amid the fall of the Galactic Empire.
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