How much have I tracked today?
Uses Timery to display total time tracked in Toggl during the day.
Stops the current time entry in Toggle using Timery.
Uses Timery to display total time tracked in Toggl during the day.
Continues tracking the most recent time entry from Timery from the last time it was stopped.
Asks you to enter a project name, client, then pick from tags or colors to create a new project in Toggle using Timery.
Prompts you to enter the time for when a currently-running should have stopped, then stops it and sets that end time.
Prompts you to add a start time and end time, then what you worked on, then pick a project – once you’re done, Timery logs the entry in Toggl.
Starts up a Timery timer from the last-logged event, starting anew from right now.
Opens the App Store to the Games tab on iOS and iPadOS or the Play tab in the Mac App Store.
Opens the link to the Library tab of YouTube, which shows your History, Watch Later, Playlists, and Liked Videos.
Lets you create a new alarm or choose from existing alarms, then set a bedtime and reminder to get ready for bed so you can get at least 8 hours of sleep.
Opens into the Health app to the Browse tab where you can pick from your Categories or Records data to open.
Opens the App Store app on the Apple TV so you can browse new apps.
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