Make a Google Image Search
Takes a query as input and opens Google results under the Image tab in Safari.
Opens the Google app to the Lens feature and looks for text to translate on-screen.
Takes a query as input and opens Google results under the Image tab in Safari.
Opens the Google app and starts listening for a dictated search query.
Asks you to type out your query, then for YouTube videos on the subject.
Asks you for a query, then opens the Twitter app to show you results.
Imagine a world where the global space race never ended. This thrilling “what if” take on history from Ronald D. Moore (Outlander, Battlestar Galactica) spotlights the high-stakes lives of NASA astronauts and their families.
Opens the deep link into Screen Time in Settings for iOS or the Screen Time preference pane on macOS.
Presents a list of folders, then pulls stories from that folder and lets you choose which one(s) to open in Safari.
Opens the Camera to take a photo, then adds it to your Parked Car location.
Prompts you to pick replacement text and which words to be replaced, then finds it and swaps it out for your choice.
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