Open Finished books
Opens the Books app to the Finished tab where you can see past books you’ve completed.
Activates the Books setting that allows you to read endlessly without turning pages.
Opens the Books app to the Finished tab where you can see past books you’ve completed.
Presents the various Themes in Books to choose from, then applies the setting of your choice.
Changes the Books app view to the Library tab to show all your Books, PDFs, Samples, and more.
Opens the Books app to the Book Store tab where you find and buy books.
Opens the deep link into Settings > Focus so you can change details or adjust Home Screens.
Opens to the Subscribe page for Comixology Unlimited so you can start your free trial and agree to sign up after 30 days.
Opens the page to let you decide which person is watching on Disney+
Asks you to type in a search and finds the results on Giphy.
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