Find a good reaction GIF
Asks you to type in a search and finds the results on Giphy.
Opens the “Animated” album to show any GIFs you’ve saved to Photos.
Asks you to type in a search and finds the results on Giphy.
Asks you to choose from recent live photos and converts them into videos or GIFs.
Opens the Camera preview to let you take 3 photos, then sitches them into an animated GIF.
Asks you to enter a pickup location, then goes through a ride request flow.
Opens the Camera app to the Video mode. If Preserve Settings is enabled, opens to your last-specific settings.
Asks you for wake up time, when you fell asleep again, and logs the time in Health before presenting the total length back to you.
Opens the App Store to the Games tab on iOS and iPadOS or the Play tab in the Mac App Store.
Opens the QR code scanner feature built into iOS and opens any URLs that are found.
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