View custom date time formats
Previews a local webpage copy of Unicode Technical Standard #35 for Locale Data Markup Language, letting you see all the custom date format strings you can use in Shortcuts.
Uses the Open Tab action to access the World Clock.
Previews a local webpage copy of Unicode Technical Standard #35 for Locale Data Markup Language, letting you see all the custom date format strings you can use in Shortcuts.
Convert dates and times into any format using Shortcuts. Requires Timery for Toggl.
Asks you to enter a date, then generates the calendar week plus start or end dates.
Asks you to pick two time zones, then calculates the offset compared to each other.
Asks you to pick a folder, then a shortcut, then runs it right away.
Opens the Wallet app to the main credit card you use for rewards points.
Gets the sunrise time from tomorrow’s forecast and sets the alarm 8.5 hours before.
Activates the key code for F4’s native function, which triggers the LaunchPad feature that shows your app icons like an iOS Home Screen.
Opens the Share Sheet folder in Shortcuts so you can add, remove, or sort included shortcuts.
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