Copy to Clipboard
Copies the result of the last action to the clipboard.
Uses a regular expressions to automatically get rid of new lines that don’t have any text in them.
Contains a dictionary of names and symbols that, when passed into Choose From List, becomes selectable – for whichever option is chosen, the corresponding symbol will be passed out and copied to the clipboard.
Corrects the spelling of the text shared as input or from your clipboard, then presents it a prompt to confirm before copying.
Scrapes out any list elements like dashes, asterisks, or double brackets so you’re left with only new lines of text.
Takes the input from the Share sheet or clipboard, lets you choose from UPPERCASE, lowercase, Capitalizing Every Word, swapping to Title Case, or swapping to Sentence case, and copies it to your clipboard.
Searches Passwords for a manually-added keyword “auth” on your logins so you can find all your 2-factor codes right away.
Asks you to enter a query, then activates Spotlight search and shows results.
Gets the next-most calendar event and asks you to pick a Focus to set until the event ends.
Opens the Wallet app to the gift card of your choice – perhaps your favorite coffee chain.
Opens into the Health app to the Medication category where you can log meds, add new medications, check drug interactions, and show medication information.
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