Open current book
Shows the most recently-active book you’ve been reading and opens it.
Opens a specific book from your library, prompting you to pick which book.
Shows the most recently-active book you’ve been reading and opens it.
Presents the various Themes in Books to choose from, then applies the setting of your choice.
Asks you to enter a query, then searches for the result in the Books app.
Opens the Books app to the Finished tab where you can see past books you’ve completed.
Activates the Books setting that allows you to read endlessly without turning pages.
If you don’t want the Grab YouTube playlist ID shortcut installed, delete the Run Shortcut action above and the URL action below.
However, the shortcut won’t work with links from videos inside playlists anymore.
Opens the Discord app to the Relay.FM community, then Relay.FM or live where I can start a live show.
Creates a note for the current calendar week. Also checks if one exists before creating it, to avoid duplicates.
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