“Our biggest gainers in sales rank over the past 24 hours. Updated hourly.”
Opens your Amazon wish list page where you can curate items you want, and share your lists with others.
Opens the daily deals section of Amazon where you can see items that are discounted for today only.
“Our products most often added to Wishlists and Registries. Updated daily.”
Opens Amazon’s dedicated page for its Holiday Gift Guide with curated recommendations and discounted items.
Opens Amazon to your list of recent purchases that you might want to buy again.
Opens Perplexity to a new, blank search using the Auto mode.
Opens the Journal app to the recording screen so you can create an Audio entry.
Simulates the key code for F3, activating Mission Control on the Mac.
Opens the deep link to the phone app, then sets playback to AirPods and turns on Noise Cancellation.
Checks for anyone whose birthday is today and starts a message to wish them a happy birthday.
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