How To Get A Seamless Photo Carousel On Threads Using The Series App

If you've seen those seamless photo carousels on Threads, you might be wondering how to make them yourself – enter Series, a fantastic collage app with Threads support.

Majd Taby, founder of photo-editing app Darkroom, shared an excellent photoset on Threads today of his visit to the Grand Canyon – in the image carousel, each shot is perfectly split, letting you swipe between photos without any break, creating a seamless split across the whole set.

In his caption, Majd mentions @seriesphotosapp, the account for Series, an app for customizable layouts from the developer Recentralized.

Series, which works on iOS and iPadOS, looks to be similar to many collage-style apps that have existed over the years for formatting photosets into nice-looking collages.

However, as demonstrated in their demo video on Threads, the app can be used to split photos perfectly – here’s how:

Splitting One Image Into A Photo Series

First, select your image in Series. This style works best with landscape photos (especially panoramas), but as you can see it also works with vertical photos.

Then, you’ll need to go back to “Frame,” swipe through the frame options to the tall version labeled “Th+” – this is only available for Series Pro users, but there’s a 7-day trial for the annual version (which is only $14.99, as of writing).

Then, you’ll need to change the image type from Single to Spread, after which more controls will appear underneath for “Panels per Frame.”

Once you’ll finalized your frames, you’ll also want to reduce the Margin from the default 20 down to 0, making your images full-screen. You might also need to toggle “Contents Fill Cell” to remove any remaining space around the edges.

Here, you might want to go back and use your own creativity to decide how many panels looks best for your image. Plus, you can tap on the image to rearrange how much it’ll be cropped as well.

Finally, you’ll tap the Share button in the top right to preview each image, and the Export All button will then save all the images to the Photos app.

From there, you can add them all in a new Threads post, letting your audience swipe through beautiful, full-screen slices of your photo in a, well, series. Plus, you can post to Threads directly from iPad – assuming you know how to set it up well.

Series is the app to get

I’m impressed with Series, which I hadn’t heard about before today. It’s a fairly well-designed app—especially compared to what feels like over-stylized versions with similar features that you can find on the App Store–made by one developer, Ryan (he says hello in one of the onboarding screens).

I’ll definitely be playing with Series for my own photography purposes, especially since photo carousels look so nice on Threads – apparently the Instagram team knows something about photography.

Now, I just need to get better at editing my photos first… maybe I’ll have to give Darkroom another try…

Get Series on the App Store.

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