MacStories Surveys Popular Apps Currently Compatible With Apple Vision Pro using Shortcuts »
The team at MacStories have found a way to search the App Store for apps supporting Vision Pro – using Shortcuts, of course.
From John Voorhees at MacStories:
As it turns out, it’s possible to tell if a developer has opted out by using App Store API endpoints. So, with a little help, we built a shortcut to check some of the most popular apps on the App Store.
They haven’t shared the full shortcut, but that just means I’ll have to poke around myself to see if I can find my way…
If you work at a Mac desktop, there's no better way to run your shortcuts than using a Stream Deck – this plugin from Sentinelite makes setting up all your shortcuts seamless.
"To me, whether Jobs intended it this way or not, the “bicycle for the mind” is the tool that empowers you to repurpose it for your specific needs, not just to consume things with it, or use it in the same way as everyone else. "