Always Prompts actions

Delete Files
Delete the files passed in as input.
Get Link to File
Gets a public link to the file passed into the action.
Calls the contact passed in as input using FaceTime.
Edits an image or PDF with Markup.
Wait to Return
Pauses execution until you leave the Shortcuts app and return to it. This action might be useful after an action that switches apps, to pause execution until you return to the Shortcuts app.
Choose from Menu
Presents a menu and runs different actions based on which menu item was chosen.
Select Contact
Prompts to pick a person from your contacts and passes the selection to the next action.
Calls the phone number passed in as input.
Select Phone Number
Prompts to pick a phone number from your contacts and passes the selection to the next action.
Remove Events
Removes all events passed into the action from the calendars they are contained in, including future repeats.
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