Activate Control Center
Uses an AppleScript command to directly activate Control Center on the Mac.
Simulates the key code for F3, activating Mission Control on the Mac.
Uses an AppleScript command to directly activate Control Center on the Mac.
Uses AppleScript to press the keyboard shortcut ⌥+⇧+⌘+Q to immediately log out the current user.
Activates the key code for F4’s native function, which triggers the LaunchPad feature that shows your app icons like an iOS Home Screen.
Opens the ChatGPT app for Mac, resizes it to a default 980×658 dimensions, then moves it to the middle left (with 18px of padding against the edge of the screen).
Take a link from the Share sheet or yourclipboard and open it in the Internet Archive’s Wayback Machine to see past versions of the page.
Asks you to select an image from Photos or Files, then some associated text, then attaches it to a new entry in the Journal app.
Uses AppleScript to trigger the keyboard shortcut for the Quick Entry feature of Things on the Mac.
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