Presents your list of contacts, then calls the person you select. If they have multiple numbers, asks you which one to dial.
Opens the deep link into the Voicemail section of the Phone app (vmshow://).
Opens the deep link to the phone app, then sets playback to AirPods and turns on Noise Cancellation.
Opens the deep link into the Recents section of the Phone app to see your incoming and outgoing calls, plus any missed calls (mobilephone-recents://).
Looks for contacts added to a “Friends” group and asks you to pick one before calling them.
Gets the first phone number from your preselected contact card, copies it to the clipboard, and shows it to you in a dialog. Use to quickly show to or share with someone else.
Presents a menu of all the podcast you’re subscribed to, then grabs episodes from the chosen show, then starts playing the episode you pick.
Uses Open App > Slide Over to open your favorite apps in Slide Over – I use 1Password, Music, Twitter, Craft, Notes, and Things.
Resizes the Apple Developer window to the second screen at my preferred size for taking screenshots, then opens Craft and centers it on the main display.
Activates or deactivates the “On this device” account for Notes.
Presents a list of Apple Music 1 radio shows and opens the corresponding URL to their curator page.
Asks for text, then converts it to the NATO Alphabet to read out “Apple” like “Alfa Papa Papa Lima Echo.”
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