Start Podcasts

Immediately play the latest episode or first item in Listen Now in the Podcasts app.

Actions Used

Play Podcast
Plays a podcast using the Podcasts app.

Extra Details

Run Shortcut deep link
Open Shortcut deep link
AppleScript code
tell application “Shortcuts Events” run shortcut “Start Podcasts” end tell

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Returns to the Home Screen, then waits just under 1 or 2 second to take a screenshot (so it shows the dots for widgets), then saves it to a pre-created Home Screen album in Photos.

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Open Siri Accessibility preferences

Opens the deep link into Settings for Accessibility and Siri, including controls for Type to Siri, Siri Pause Time, Speaking Rate, Spoken Responses, whether to Always Listen for “Hey Siri,” whether to Show Apps Behind Siri, whether to Announce Notifications on Speaker, and Call Hang Up with Siri during phone and FaceTime calls.

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