Toggle ChatGPT sidebar
Runs AppleScript to open ChatGPT for Mac, then activates the keyboard shortcut for Command + S to toggle the Sidebar for the app.
Runs AppleScript to press the key code for Option + Space, the keyboard shortcut for ChatGPT’s launcher.
Runs AppleScript to open ChatGPT for Mac, then activates the keyboard shortcut for Command + S to toggle the Sidebar for the app.
Runs AppleScript to activate the keyboard shortcut Command + N to create a new chat in the ChatGPT app for Mac.
Opens ChatGPT, toggles the Sidebar, waits for it to resize, then shrinks the window to the smallest possible 400px wide and 658px tall on the left side – for a better single-chat experience
Opens the ChatGPT app for Mac and uses AppleScript to press Command + Option + Control + F to Enter Full Screen.
Opens the ChatGPT app for Mac, resizes it to a default 980×658 dimensions, then moves it to the middle left (with 18px of padding against the edge of the screen).
Runs AppleScript to activate the keyboard shortcut Command + Shift + N to create a new temporary chat in ChatGPT that doesn’t get saved.
Stores your List:Read token for the Mastodon API to reuse in other shortcuts.
Toggles the Color Filters accessibility setting, which can turn your device black or white and remove all color if set to grayscale (among other options).
Takes any files shared as input or, if none are present, presents a Document Picker to select them manually, then shares those files using iCloud Drive – the resulting URL is copied to the clipboard to be shared with others for easy access.
Opens the deep link into Settings > General > Siri on iOS or the Speech settings on macOS.
Asks you to enter a timestamp, then calculates the total seconds and skips forward that far.
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