Set up ChatGPT
Opens the ChatGPT app for Mac, resizes it to a default 980×658 dimensions, then moves it to the middle left (with 18px of padding against the edge of the screen).
Runs AppleScript that opens the ChatGPT app and activates the keyboard shortcut for Command + , (which opens the Settings page for the app
Opens the ChatGPT app for Mac, resizes it to a default 980×658 dimensions, then moves it to the middle left (with 18px of padding against the edge of the screen).
Runs AppleScript to activate the keyboard shortcut Command + Shift + N to create a new temporary chat in ChatGPT that doesn’t get saved.
Opens the ChatGPT app for Mac and uses AppleScript to press Command + Option + Control + F to Enter Full Screen.
Runs AppleScript to press the key code for Option + Space, the keyboard shortcut for ChatGPT’s launcher.
Runs AppleScript to activate the keyboard shortcut Command + N to create a new chat in the ChatGPT app for Mac.
Opens ChatGPT, toggles the Sidebar, waits for it to resize, then shrinks the window to the smallest possible 400px wide and 658px tall on the left side – for a better single-chat experience
Check for contacts whose birthdays are in the next two weeks and displays their name and the date.
Plays Do By Friday, a weekly challenge podcast with hosts Alex Cox and Merlin Mann.
Opens the Portrait camera to the Selfie mode – my preferred way to take selfies, but one I forget to use (until now).
For links shared from videos playing inside a playlist, this will scrape out the ID and reformat it into the main playlist link.
Asks you to enter the name of a shortcut, then finds and runs that shortcut. Also uses scripting to check if more than one exists with that name and asks which to run.
Asks you to pick a screen for the top and bottom of a vertical arrangement.
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