Tests if a condition is true, and if so, runs the actions inside. Otherwise, the actions under “Otherwise” are run.
Activates Sidecar for an iPad Pro near your Mac. Works remotely from iPhone, iPad, Apple Watch, and HomePod using Siri over SSH.
Organizes my display arrangement so my vertical monitor is arranged evenly with a horizontal monitor, plus an iPad active on Sidecar beneath.
Sets up a dual-monitor + iPad-on-stand using Sidecar arrangement for my desk.
Activates Sidecar for a larg iPad Pro near your Mac. Works remotely from iPhone, iPad, Apple Watch, and HomePod using Siri over SSH.
Opens the “Displays” preference pane in System Settings so you can click Arrange to see your display setup.
Rotates my left monitor to landscape orientation (for times when I switch it back from its vertical setup).
Activates Sidecar for an iPad mini near your Mac. Works remotely from iPhone, iPad, Apple Watch, and HomePod using Siri over SSH.
Pulls your Starred items from Reeder and asks you to choose one to open.
Opens the Amazon preview page for Comixology Unlimited so you can read about the experience, see what’s available in the collection, and manage your account.
Speaks the current page from Safari out loud; uses Listen to Page on iOS and Speak Text on macOS.
Asks you for a title for a board, then creates it in Freeform without opening the app.
Opens the iCloud Drive section of the Settings app on iOS and iPadOS.
Presents a menu of your recently-used boards, then opens your choice.
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