Copy to Clipboard
Copies the result of the last action to the clipboard.
Takes two dates chosen as input and calculates the duration in seconds between thme – works as a Unix timestamp converter.
Asks you to pick two time zones, then calculates the offset compared to each other.
Input a time, then calculate and copy the values for a prefilled list of time zones and corresponding emoji.
Asks you to pick a time zone, then formats the date to show the offset value (such as +0800).
Opens the App Store Search page where you can look for games and apps or see curated categories.
Plays the Automators podcast with David Sparks and Rosemary Orchard from Relay.FM.
Uses the Dictate Text action set to stop listening “After Pause” and then saves my text into the To Do list created in Reminders (or your default list).
Asks you to enter the ounces of water you want to log, then adds it to the Health app.
Opens the native Apple Store app for iPhone and iPad. Use this shortcut to access Apple’s store page, nearby Sessions, your orders, search, and your bag, plus your account.
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