Paste to my Mac
Copies any input to the clipboard, then uses Run Script over SSH to send it directly to a Mac.
Presents the share sheet for any content you have copied to your clipboard.
Copies any input to the clipboard, then uses Run Script over SSH to send it directly to a Mac.
Copies your clipboard and stores the contents over time, plus lets you pull from your clipboard history.
Opens System Information or Settings > General > About to show detailed information about the current device.
Opens the Today list in Reminders where you can see tasks assigned for the day, morning, afternoon, or evening, as well as drag tasks between those sections to resassign them.
Shows @[email protected] in the Profile popover in Ivory – follow me!
Opens the “Displays” preference pane in System Settings so you can click Arrange to see your display setup.
Copies any input to the clipboard, then uses Run Script over SSH to send it directly to a Mac.
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