Choose from Menu
Presents a menu and runs different actions based on which menu item was chosen.
Presents a list of Bold presentation themes available in Keynote – choose from Bold Color, Showcase, Briefing, Academy, Modern Type, and Exhibit
Presents a menu of Portfolio-style presentations to create in Keynote – choose from Industrial, Blueprint, Graph Paper, Chalkboard, Photo Portfolio, and Leather Book.
Creates a presentation from your “My Themes” section, which appears when you use Edit > Save Theme in Keynote.
Asks you to choose between Miniminal themes in Keynote – pick from Basic Color, Color Gradient Light, Color Gradient, Gradient, Showroom, Modern Portfolio, Slate, and Photo Essay.
Pick from Apple’s cool movement-based Dynamic presentations in Keynote – including Light, Dark, and Rainbow options.
Asks you to pick from various Keynote themes in the Textured category – choose between Parchment, Renaissance, Moroccan, Hard Cover, Linen Book, Vintage, Typeset, Harmony, and Formal.
Presents a menu of Basic themes from Keynote to create – choose from Basic White, Basic Black, Classic White, White, and Black.
Takes you to the page on Amazon where you can set up subscription orders for repeat purchases.
Opens the deep link into the Accessibility settings on iOS or the Universal Access preference pane on macOS.
Asks you to pick a podcast, then starts an Outdoor Walk workout on the Apple Watch.
Presents a list of preset emoji and copies your choice to the clipboard.
Asks for a query, finds notes, presents a list of options, and opens the chosen note.
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