Repeat with Each
Takes a list of items as input, and runs the contained actions once for each item in the list.
Dictates text, then splits it by new lines and adds them to Reminders in your groceries list.
Sets a reminder 40 minutes from now that alerts you that the washing machine is done.
Uses the Dictate Text action set to stop listening “After Pause” and then saves my text into the To Do list created in Reminders (or your default list).
Sets a reminder a little over an hour from now so that you can unload the dishes.
Presents a list of common tasks, then adds select options to the Chores list in Reminders.
Prompts you to pick a Reminders list, then lets you type in new tasks all at once and inserts them one-by-one.
Sets a reminder 7 hours from now letting me know once my rechargable batteries are finished.
Turns on the TV and sets the Apple TV to your personal profile, appearance preferance, and Reduce Loud Sounds setting, then shows the remote.
Asks you to enter the name for a new list, then creates it using the Mastodon API.
Activates Stage Manager, but removes the Dock and Recent Apps for a clean setup.
Presents a list of Apple Music 1 radio shows and opens the corresponding URL to their curator page.
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