Find Places
Searches for nearby businesses and returns them as results. Pass a location as input to search near there.
Takes a location as input or your current location and searches for nearby destinations noted as Landmarks, then opens your selected option in Maps.
Searches for hiking locations nearby, then gets driving directions to the spot you’ve chosen.
Takes an input location or your current location and searches for gas stations, then gives you driving directions to your choice.
Performs a search of your choice nearby and gives you biking directions to your chosen option.
Opens the Apple Maps URL to query “coffee.” Reference: https: or or or library or archive or featuredarticles or iPhoneURLScheme_Reference or MapLinks or MapLinks.html
Gets driving time from current location to your work address, showing the route and arrival time as well.
Asks you to open an existing folder in Shortcuts, then asks you to enter a list of shortcut names with text prepended or appended before creating those shortcuts in the folder.
Opens to News stories about the NBA, including scores, schedules, teams, and special curated categories for events like the Playoffs.
Opens the “Watch It In One Night” page from that curates full series or movies that you can binge in an evening.
Takes URLs from input or the clipboard and generates a QR code that can be scanned to open the same link – shows a preview before the option to Share, Save, or Print.
Extracts the name and artwork for a given podcast, crops it to 16×9 using Pixelmator Pro for Mac, and saves the renamed file into Downloads.
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