Find Places
Searches for nearby businesses and returns them as results. Pass a location as input to search near there.
Takes an input location or your current location and searches for gas stations, then gives you driving directions to your choice.
Searches for hiking locations nearby, then gets driving directions to the spot you’ve chosen.
Gets driving time from current location to your work address, showing the route and arrival time as well.
Performs a search of your choice nearby and gives you biking directions to your chosen option.
Asks for your friend’s location and a type of destination, then searches near the halfway point for a place to go.
Takes a location as input or your current location and searches for nearby destinations noted as Landmarks, then opens your selected option in Maps.
Presents a list of preset emoji and copies your choice to the clipboard.
Shows the Date and Time settings so you can change from 12- to 24-hour time, or set time zone automatically.
Sends a randomized template message to your partner or housemate that you’re leaving for a short walk, then runs the “Start an outdoor walk” action.
Presents your list of contacts, then calls the person you select. If they have multiple numbers, asks you which one to dial.
Sets the playback destination to the current device, turns off Do Not Disturb and Airplane Mode, turns on Cellular Data, Bluetooth, and Wi-Fi, sets the volume to 85%, the brightness to 100%, and turns on Light mode, then turns on every option for Sound Recognition, then vibrates if run from iPhone when it’s all done.
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