Sets the scene in my office where I play games that turns off the light direclt behind me to reduce monitor glare.
Asks what game was played, how it ended, and what you could learn from it, then logs it in Notes with the time stamp.
Presents a menu of your gamertags so you can copy and share them with friends.
Records audio using the phone’s mics, then saves the file and asks you if you want to share it.
Opens the TikTok app, plus sets volume to the absolute lowest possible level.
Simulates the keyboard shortcut to activate Spotlight or Alfred, letting you type in your workflow command.
Opens the Discord app to the Relay.FM community, then Relay.FM or live where I can start a live show.
Opens Transistor.fm to the new episode page for your pre-selected podcast so you can upload a new file, give it a title and description, and publish.
Turns on the Apple TV, set a Home scene, and turns on Entertainment focus for an hour.
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