Asks you to pick from completed grocery reminders and removes them.
Presents a dialog to input a title for a new rmeinder, then adds it silently
Asks you to pick items from previous grocery orders, adds new copies to the list, and clears the old ones.
Dictates text, then splits it by new lines and adds them to Reminders in your groceries list.
Asks you to pick from pre-programmed grocery store locations, then estimates travel time, distance, route, and arrival time before presenting the option to get directions.
Asks you to pick from incomplete grocery reminders, then marks them as complete.
Activates or deactivates Control Center (depending on its current status) – works best with Siri.
Opens the Spotlight settings on macOS, or on iOS asks for an app, finds its Bundle ID on the App Store, and opens the deep link to its specific Search settings.
Simulates the keyboard shortcut for Command + Shift + U, which activates the Perplexity upload process and shows a Finder window where you can select the file to upload.
Pulls the temperature and humidity from the Eve Room. Also works with HomePod mini.
Opens the Software Update section of Settings to see if new betas and updates are available.
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