I’m going for a walk

Sends a randomized template message to your partner or housemate that you’re leaving for a short walk, then runs the “Start an outdoor walk” action.

Actions Used

Passes the specified contacts to the next action.
Run Shortcut
Run an shortcut from your shortcut.
Get Item from List
Returns one or more items from the list passed as input. You can get the first item, the last item, a random item, the item at a particular index, or items in a range of indexes.
Allows you to specify a list of items to be passed to the next action.
Send Message
Sends an iMessage or SMS. Pass images, videos, or other files as input to include attachments.

Extra Details

Run Shortcut deep link
Open Shortcut deep link
AppleScript code
tell application “Shortcuts Events” run shortcut “I’m going for a walk” end tell

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Takes a screenshot, reformat the name to the style used on macOS, then saves it to /Shortcuts/Screenshots/ in iCloud Drive.

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