Opens the Kindle app on iOS and Mac to the default library view, letting you browse your collection and select a book or PDF to read.
Sets a reminder 4 hours from the current time that your Kindle is done charging.
Views the Docs category in the Content section of Amazon’s “Manage Your Content and Devices” for Kindle.
Opens Amazon to the Digital Content page of “Manage Your Content and Devices” to show your Kindle books.
Opens Kindle Unlimited to let you manage your digital content, to deliver, remove, or return your book.
Presents a menu to open your various bank account apps or websites.
Enable or disable the ability to Quick Note to open to your most-recent note every item or create a new note.
Organizes my display arrangement so my vertical monitor is arranged evenly with a horizontal monitor, plus an iPad active on Sidecar beneath.
Opens the Originals tab of Disney+ to show featured series, movies, shorts, and specials.
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