Turns on the TV, opens the Apple TV Remote, and sets the Movie Time scene before turning down brightness, enabling Do Not Disturb, and activating my Letterboxd shortcuts.
Turns on the Apple TV and opens the Fireplace app, plus shows the remote.
Changes the current Apple Watch face to the one I’ve designed with smart-home specific complications.
Turns on the kitchen lights and sets playback to the HomePod mini.
Sets the “I’m Working” scene, turning on my office lights to optimal levels for the workday.
Turns the studio lights to softer color temperatures and turns off all the lights in the rest of the houhse.
Toggles a smart switch by checking its current power state and turning it off or back on accordingly.
Sets AirDrop receiving to “No One” so you cannot receive files at all.
Lets you pick from movies in your Letterboxd RSS feed and opens one.
Opens the Apple Photos app for Apple TV, then shows the Remote so you can select an album or a memory to play.
Turns the “Announce Notifications” feature of Siri on, so she speaks notifications out loud.
Prompts you for a reminder about a type of food you have and when it expires.
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