Asks you to pick from all your Shortcuts folders, then a shortcut from that folder, then opens the shortcut.
Opens a Shortcuts folder of your choosing; accepts the name of a folder as input as well.
Use this shortcut to see your Personal and Home automations set up on iPhone and iPad.
Works well from the Shortcuts widget or using Siri when you want to set up a new Automation.
Use this shortcut once you have a few Share Sheet shortcuts and want to organize them accordingly.
You can also drag shortcuts into and out of this folder to add or remove them from the set, which works well with multi-select and drag and d
Opens the macOS folder System > Library > Services so you can see shortcuts you’ve added as Services.
Asks you to enter the name of a shortcut, then finds and runs that shortcut. Also uses scripting to check if more than one exists with that name and asks which to run.
Use this shortcut to quickly find a shortcut in your library to run or open and edit.
Works well if you have a large shortcuts collection.
Activates Endel’s “Move” mode that generates a soundscape at a specific beat based on your walking pace.
Opens the News app to stories about Healthy Eating, located in the new Food section for Apple News+ subscribers.
Turns my Eve Switch on or off depending on its current state, which controls the sound machine we have in our bedroom for drowning out little noises and providing a constant background sound to sleep to.
Turns my Eve Switch on or off depending on its current state, which controls the large 42” softbox in my studio for filming.
Opens the Reports page of QuickBooks Self-Employed so you can track and visualize your progress.
Using you pre-filled home address, displays a notification with the travel time and when you’ll arrive if you leave now.
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