Opens the App Store app on the Apple TV so you can browse new apps.
Opens the Unsplash app for Apple TV, then shows the Remote so you can select a set of photos to display.
Opens the MasterClass app for Apple TV so you can browse or continue watching a lesson.
Opens the app Play for YouTube on an Apple TV of your choice so you can select videos you’ve saved for later to open in the YouTube app.
Opens the Letterboxd app on the selected Apple TV, then shows the Remote so you can navigate
Opens the RadarScope app for Apple TV that lets you see large weather maps and see conditions in your area.
Opens your personal Disney+ account – when show from web, shows billing details not shown on iOS.
Opens the default episodes dashboard on Transistorm for a pre-selected podcast.
Looks through the input text for email addresses and copies them to the clipboard.
Takes PNGs from input, resizes them to 2048px wide, appends a number for each image found, and asks you where to save it in Files.
Asks you to select a Contact Group, then creates reminders to follow up with each person in that group.
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