Opens the App Store app on the Apple TV so you can browse new apps.
Opens the RadarScope app for Apple TV that lets you see large weather maps and see conditions in your area.
Opens Twitch on the TV of your choice, showing the Remote after so you can select a channel.
Opens the Letterboxd app on the selected Apple TV, then shows the Remote so you can navigate
Opens the Adobe Lightroom app for Apple TV, then shows the remote so you can select an album to view.
Opens the Criterion Collection app for Apple TV that lets you view films from the catalog.
Accepts a file from the Shortcut Input and activates AirDrop. Use with the Share Sheet and Quick Actions on macOS.
Checks the current device, then, depending on the platform, opens Twitter in a specific way.
Prompts you to type in a folder name, then opens that folder in Shortcuts. Assigned to Shift + Control + O as a keyboard shortcut on macOS, and placed in the iPad dock.
Asks you to pick an event, name the project, and generates a blank meeting note template for you to fill out.
Sets the Apple Watch to silent mode, turns on Do Not Disturb, sets the volume to 0% and vibrates if run from iPhone.
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