Tests if a condition is true, and if so, runs the actions inside. Otherwise, the actions under “Otherwise” are run.
Opens the Apple ID preference pane on macOS or section of Settings
Opens the “Accounts” section in iOS settings or Internet Accounts on macOS.
Opens the iCloud Drive section of the Settings app on iOS and iPadOS.
Opens the deep link into the Find My settings of the Apple ID preferences on iOS and iPadOS.
Asks you for an app name, searches for it on the App Store, gets the bundle ID, and opens into Settings for that app. iOS-only.
Use this shortcut to sort the list of shortcuts that appear in the Menu Bar on macOS.
Looks at your Zoom calendar for scheduled meetings and shows the results.
Opens the deep link into Settings > Accessibility > Subtitles and Captioning where you can enable or disable Closed Captions + SDH. Also includes options for the Style, and whether to Show Audio Transcriptions for announcements from HomePod.
Gets base64-encoded text for the Apple Pay ping sound, decodes it, and plays the sound out loud.
Opens the iCloud Drive folder in Finder or Files to show your synced folders.
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