Opens the TV app to the Sports tab to show categories like football, soccer, baseball, and other sports alongside your Favorite Teams.
Presents a menu of all the Star Wars films and TV shows in order, linking to the TV app page for each entity.
Opens the main Home tab of the TV app where you can view and add content to your Up Next queue.
Opens the TV app to your library view of Recent Purchases of movies and tv shows.
Opens the TV app to the Apple TV+ tab to show content from your subscription.
Opens to the Movies and TV Trailers section of the TV app (which replaced the dedicated Trailers app).
Shows the Date and Time settings so you can change from 12- to 24-hour time, or set time zone automatically.
Lets you quicky add characters like parantheses, brackets, or quotes before and after a string of text.
Presents a menu to browse stories around photography, cameras, editing, photoshop, or individual photographer
Opens Arc Search and activates the “Call” feature that lets you talk to Arc like it’s a virtual directory assistance helper.
Opens the MasterClass app for Apple TV so you can browse or continue watching a lesson.
Opens the URL for the AirBnb guest Inbox so you can view and interact with messages from your hosts.
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