Opens System Information or Settings > General > About to show detailed information about the current device.
Opens the Language and Region settings to let you change preferred language, region, live text, or custom language settings per-app.
Shows the Date and Time settings so you can change from 12- to 24-hour time, or set time zone automatically.
Opens the deep link into the Settings app to Game Center where you can invite friends, edit your profile, or adjust friend settings. iOS-only.
Sets AirPods Pro to Adaptive mode, then starts an outdoor cycling workou using the Apple Watch and vibrates when starting.
Activates Endel’s “Clarity Trip” mode that provides an alternate soundscape to their main Focus.
Opens the Assigned list in the Reminders app where you can filter down to show only reminders assigned to you.
Asks you to type out your query, then oepns the deep link into Things to show your results.
Opens the deep link to Threads’ Create menu so you can post a new thread. On Mac, opens the Threads website.
Turns your HomeKit Christmas lights on/off depending on the current state.
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