Opens the Books app to the Audiobook Store section where you can find and buy new audiobooks.
Opens the Books app to the Audiobooks tab to show items you’ve purchased.
Starts playing the most recently-active audiobook in Apple Books.
Opens the album in the Photos app that’s automatically created when you post photos to Instagram.
Gets the base64-encoded text for the Charlie Brown sad walking music, decodes it, and plays it out loud.
Asks you for a keyword and website domain to search, then looks across all items in your Read Later in Reeder and asks you to open one.
Opens the deep link into the Settings app the Wallet and Apple Pay section, allowing you to swap out the default card uses for payments.
Switches the Apple Watch always-on display on or off depending on your last setting.
Opens the URL for the News magazine from the Flipboard News Desk into the app.
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