Opens the Books app to the Audiobooks tab to show items you’ve purchased.
Starts playing the most recently-active audiobook in Apple Books.
Opens the Books app to the Audiobook Store section where you can find and buy new audiobooks.
Opens the Mobility tab of the Health app where you can see data like Walking Speed, Walking Step Length, Double Support Time, Walking Asymmetry, Sait Speed, Walking Steadiness, Six-Minute Walk, and your Cardio Fitness.
Check for contacts whose birthdays are in the next two weeks and displays their name and the date.
Plays the Automators podcast with David Sparks and Rosemary Orchard from Relay.FM.
Opens Fantastical for Mac on the current machine or remote if run away from the Mac.
Opens the Apple Photos app for Apple TV, then shows the Remote so you can select an album or a memory to play.
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