Opens to the Feeds tab of Bluesky, showing My Feeds and the Discover New Feeds section.
Given a dictionary of Bluesky List names and unique IDs (from the URL), this prompts you to choose from your lists and opens it to the feed view.
Opens the Search page on Bluesky where you can enter your query, find suggested accounts, and discover new feeds.
Opens the Lists tab of Bluesky, showing your user-created lists and letting you create a new one.
Using your Bluesky username, opens the link to your Followers list.
Using your Bluesky username, opens the link to the list of people you are Following.
Using your username, opens the link to your profile on Bluesky.
Opens the TechCrunch account on Flipboard so you can see stories from the startup, technology, and business world.
Sets a reminder 4 hours from the current time that your Kindle is done charging.
Gets the top 10 movies currently sold on iTunes, asks you to choose from the list, and opens the URL of your choice.
Sets a reminder to do the laundry in a few days based on a number you input.
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